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(1 - 20 of 233)


Corona photographs taken June 3 permit eclipse comparion
Eclipse expedition rounds out cycle
The Climax- March 1962
The Climax- March 1963
Plans for the calibration of the X-coronameter
Observation of polarized light in flare continuum
NCAR publishes report on solar-terrestrial physics
Flare profile study at Climax
Electron density in the solar corona during the eclipse of February 25, 1952
The Climax- October 1961
Magnetic intensification on the sunspot spectra
The Climax- May 1962
Evaluation of Climax coronal intensities
The Climax- June 1962
The Climax- December 1962
The Climax- December 1961
The Climax- September 1963
NCAR scientists hope to view solar corona at unprecendented distances
The Climax- January 1962
Studies of solar granulation. The frequency spectrum at long spatial wave lengths
