Search results

(14,781 - 14,800 of 15,950)


Probabilistic wind and solar power predictions
Correspondence, Clifford J. Murino to E. Gordon Gee
Observations of reactive nitrogen in thunderstorms over Colorado, New Mexico, and Elsewhere [presentation]
Roof-mounted weather station (DI01990)
Cumulus Clouds at the Solomon Islands (DI00201)
Staff Notes Volume 16 Issue 41
Economic Value of Weather and Climate Forecasts
Staff Notes Volume 26 Issue 32
50th anniversary reception at the Mesa Lab
Presentation, UCAR President's Report, October 2014
Photograph, Richard Cornelius
Primitive equation and semi-geostrophic simulations of baroclinic waves [presentation]
Design of a digital, in-line, holographic imaging system for airborne measurement of clouds [presentation]
Provocations #265: Early cooperation with Russia in weather science
Super Science Saturday - November 8
Frictional heating that flux tubes undergo while resident in the auroral oval [presentation]
Comparison of ECMWF model analyses with the observed upper-air temperature and relative humidity climatology at the ARM NSA, SGP, and TWP Climate Research Facility sites [presentation]
Memo, V. E. Lally to Bill Jones
Scientific Ballooning, May 1965
An evaluation of recent improvements in observational modeling and the associated impact in GPS precipitable water vapor accuracy [poster]
