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(381 - 400 of 418)


Biophysical consequences of photosynthetic temperature acclimation for climate
How well do large‐eddy simulations and global climate models represent observed boundary layer structures and low clouds over the summertime southern ocean?
The connected isotopic water cycle in the Community Earth System Model Version 1
Examining the Impact of Climate Change on Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange
Simulations with the Marine Biogeochemistry Library (MARBL)
Benefits of mitigation for future heat extremes under CP4.5 compared to RCP8.5
The role of the North Atlantic Oscillation in European climate projections
Impact of sea ice on the marine iron cycle and phytoplankton productivity
Role of fire in the global land water budget during the Twentieth Century due to changing ecosystems
Implementation and comparison of a suite of heat stress metrics within the Community Land Model version 4.5
Evaluating the strength of the land-atmosphere moisture feedback in Earth system models using satellite observations
Novel approaches to improve estimates of short-lived halocarbon emissions during summer from the Southern Ocean using airborne observations
Informing the Prediction of Compression Method and Level for Climate Model Data Using Variable Features
Projected future changes in vegetation in Western North America in the twenty-first century
Role of eruption season in reconciling model and proxy responses to tropical volcanism
Evaluation of the atmosphere–land–ocean–sea ice interface processes in the Regional Arctic System Model version 1  (RASM1) using local and globally gridded observations
The impact of bark beetle infestations on monoterpene emissions and secondary organic aerosol formation in western North America
Contributions of interdecadal Pacific oscillation and Atlantic multidecadal oscillation to global ocean heat content distribution
Global oscillatory modes in high-end climate modeling and reanalyses
How emissions, climate, and land use change will impact mid-century air quality over the United States: A focus on effects at national parks
