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NCAR Prize Lecture: Some Universal Aspects of Thunderstorm Electricity
Electric potential patterns deduced for the SUNDIAL period of September 23-26, 1986
A TRMM assessment of the composition of the generator current that supplies the global electric circuit
A TRMM/GPM retrieval of the total mean generator current for the global electric circuit
Reply to comments on "Electric charge life-cycle in warm clouds"
Calculations of electric field growth within a cloud of finite dimensions
Thunderstorm electrification by inductive charging mechanism. I. Particle charges and electric-fields
Sampling nanoparticles for chemical analysis by low resolution electrical mobility classification
Solar cycle variations in equatorial ionospheric zonal electric fields near sunrise
Electricity and rain
Computer-simulation Movie of Ionospheric Electric Fields and Currents for a Magnetospheric Substorm Life Cycle
Comparison of in-situ electric field and radar derived parameters for stratiform clouds in central Florida [presentation]
Electrical charging of hail pellets in a polarizing electric field
Electric current sheet formation in a magnetic field induced by continuous magnetic footpoint displacements
The electrification of New Mexico Thunderstorms 2. Electric field growth during initial electrification
A method of estimating electric fields above electrified clouds from passive microwave observations
On the spin-up an electrically conducting fluid. Part 1. The unsteady hydromagnetic Ekman-Hartmann boundary layer problem
On thermospheric winds produced by auroral heating during magnetic storms and associated dynamo electric fields
Conjugate observations of the day-side reconnection electric field: A gem boundary layer campaign
An array of low‐cost, high‐speed, autonomous electric field mills for thunderstorm research
