Search results

(1 - 20 of 140)


Sampling the atmosphere (DI02039)
Monitoring gas exchange between plants and the atmosphere (DI02202)
Line Islands experiment is under way in Pacific
NCAR/NSF Gulfstream V aircraft
OASIS researchers at work (DI01953)
BAMEX radiosonde launch (DI02151)
Porthole view of Tropical Storm Gaston (DI02200)
Researchers aboard the Gulfstream V (DI02198)
Technician prepares to release dropsonde (DI02196)
Tropical Storm Gaston (DI02199)
Inside the C-130 research plane (DI01876)
C-130 research plane in Arica, Chile (DI01833)
Gulfstream V in Alaska during HIPPO (DI02421)
SUNRISE telescope in hanger (DI01638)
HIPPO researcher pouring out extra dry ice (DI02430)
S-Pol radar in Taiwan (DI01798)
Inside the C-130 research plane (DI01836)
Interior of the Gulfstream V research aircraft (DI02437)
Doppler on Wheels (DI01992)
SUNRISE balloon (DI01637), Photo by Carlye Calvin
