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(201 - 220 of 16,595)


Evolution of raindrop spectra in warm-based convective storms as observed and numerically modeled [presentation]
Analysis parameters for accreted ice [presentation]
Contribution of ion-induced nucleation to new particle formation: Methodology and its application to atmospheric observations in Boulder, Colorado
Comparison of AMIE-modeled and Sondrestrom-measured joule heating: A study in model resolution and electric field-conductivity correlation
Small‐scale and mesoscale variabilities in the electric field and particle precipitation and their impacts on joule heating
Integrated impacts of future electricity mix scenarios on select southeastern US water resources
Diagnosis of magnetic and electric fields of chromospheric jets through spectropolarimetric observations of H I Paschen lines
Modes of high-latitude electric field variability derived from DE-2 measurements: Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis
Solar and lunar daily geomagnetic variations at San Fernando and Greenwich in relation to the associated electric current systems
Interplanetary magnetic field control of high-latitude electric fields and currents determined from Greenland Magnetometer Data
Electric field measurements at the plasma frequency around comet 67P by RPC-MIP on board Rosetta
Some details of coalescence and charge transfer between freely falling drops in different electrical environments
The magnetic field of electric currents in an unbounded plane sheet, uniform except for a circular area of different uniform conductivity
A two-dimensional, high-resolution, nested-grid model of the thermosphere: 1. Neutral response to an electric field "spike"
Variability of storm time electric fields associated with nonlinear interactions in the coupled geospace system (Invited) [presentation]
The energy of electric current sheets. II. The magnetic free energy and the photospheric magnetic flux
Effects of high-latitude ionospheric electric field variability on global thermospheric Joule heating and mechanical energy transfer rate [poster]
Unusually long lasting multiple penetration of interplanetary electric field to equatorial ionosphere under oscillating IMF Bz
Epoch sensitivity of superheterodyne microwave receivers to electromagnetic pulses produced by electrical discharge between water drops
Effects of disturbed electric fields in the low-latitude and equatorial ionosphere during the 2015 St. Patrick's Day storm
