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(1 - 18 of 18)
Determining change points in balloon-based measurements of the atmosphere [presentation]
Evaluating the performance of the Community Atmosphere Model at high resolutions [presentation]
Metadata for the Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) using the Earth System Modeling Framework [presentation]
Data curation service development: Investigation, outreach, and education
Unlocking GATE: Gaining access to analog data in a digital world
Data curation in the long tail of science: Preparing Community Land Model validation data for reuse and preservation
Improved heterogeneity in urban climate simulations from HRLDAS [presentation]
Evaluating the impact of infiniband routing algorithms on network performance [presentation]
Performance analysis of MPI over InfiniBand on Yellowstone [presentation]
WRF performance and scaling assessment [presentation]
Now you are speaking my language: Translating and facilitating between researchers and data managers
Writing a custom RPython-based DSL interpreter to solve PDEs: Experience and performance [presentation]
Discovering new global climate patterns: Curating a 21-year high temporal (hourly) and spatial (40km) resolution reanalysis dataset
Curating context and use: Pulling scientific workflows into the repository
To the Geoportal and beyond! Preparing the Earth Observing Laboratory's metadata for inter-repository discovery
The data lifecycle flow: For me, this time
Study of cubed-sphere domain discontinuities using a high-order shallow water model [presentation]
Conservative and non-conservative remapping schemes on the sphere [presentation]