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Francis Bretherton
Francis Bretherton
Francis Bretherton
Bretherton named UCAR President
Bretherton on Climate Research Board
Bretherton assumes UCAR presidency
John Firor, Francis Bretherton, and Walter Orr Roberts
Memo, Stan Ruttenberg to Francis Bretherton, John Firor
U.S. CLIVAR Pacific Implementation Plan
The oceans, climate, and technology
Recent developments in dynamical oceanography
Climate, the oceans, and remote sensing
Ocean climate modeling
Earth system science and remote-sensing
Presentation, URC Report, October 2002
The University of Washington shallow convection and moist turbulence schemes and their impact on climate simulations with the Community Atmosphere Model
Gravity waves, compensating subsidence and detrainment around cumulus clouds
A new moist turbulence parameterization in the Community Atmosphere Model
Cloud cover from high-resolution scanner data: Detecting and allowing for partially filled fields of view
Resonant interaction of oceanic internal waves
