Search results

(1 - 20 of 61)


The oceans, climate, and technology
Recent developments in dynamical oceanography
Climate, the oceans, and remote sensing
Ocean climate modeling
Earth system science and remote-sensing
The University of Washington shallow convection and moist turbulence schemes and their impact on climate simulations with the Community Atmosphere Model
Gravity waves, compensating subsidence and detrainment around cumulus clouds
A new moist turbulence parameterization in the Community Atmosphere Model
Cloud cover from high-resolution scanner data: Detecting and allowing for partially filled fields of view
Resonant interaction of oceanic internal waves
Estimations from irregular arrays
Two-dimensional turbulence above topography
A numerical study of the interaction between stratocumulus and the air overlying it
Integrating cloud processes in the Community Atmosphere Model, Version 5
A technique for objective analysis and design of oceanographic experiments applied to MODE-73
Design studies for climatological measurements of heat storage
A modified formulation of fractional stratiform condensation rate in the NCAR Community Atmospheric Model (CAM2)
Epic 95°W observations of the Eastern Pacific atmospheric boundary layer from the cold tongue to the ITCZ
Climate sensitivity of tropical and subtropical marine low cloud amount to ENSO and global warming due to doubled CO₂
Long-term climate monitoring by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) (An editorial)
