Search results

(1 - 20 of 126)


ENSO diversity
Enhanced adaptive inflation algorithm for ensemble filters
James Hurrell (DI02321)
Kanton Island (DI00174)
Kanton Island (DI00172)
Kanton Island (DI00173)
ENSO-driven ocean extremes and their ecosystem impacts
ENSO-driven ocean extremes and their ecosystem impacts
El Niño and the Peruvian anchovy fishery
Impact of climate change on precipitation
Biological reanalysis with online parameter estimation in the North Atlantic and the Arctic
Role of the Maritime Continent in the remote influence of Atlantic Niño on the Pacific
Provocations #93: Climate runs amuk in 1982-83
Diagnosis and Sensitivity of the 200 hPa Circulation in NCAR Community Climate Models
The record-setting 1990-1995 El Niño: harbinger of a changing climate?
Atmospheric Rivers are Responsible for Cyclicity in Sierra Nevada Precipitation
Currents of Change: El Niño and La Niña Impacts on Climate and Society
Solar cycle linked to global climate, drives events similar to El Niño, La Niña
Seismic investigation of the Southern Rio Grande Rift
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
