Search results

(1 - 20 of 546)


Evaluation of trends and analysis of air temperature and wind on the Antarctic Peninsula using extreme value theory
Large transboundary health impact of Arctic wildfire smoke
Sensitivity of simulated fire‐generated circulations to fuel characteristics during large wildfires
 California case study of wildfires and prescribed burns: PM 2.5 emissions, concentrations, and implications for human health
On the uncertainty of long-period return values of extreme daily precipitation
Energy deposition into the ionosphere during a solar flare with Extreme-ultraviolet late phase
The meteorology and impacts of the September 2020 Western United States extreme weather event
Parameterizations of US wildfire and prescribed fire emission ratios and emission factors based on FIREX-AQ aircraft measurements
Evaluating the performance of WRF in simulating winds and surface meteorology during a Southern California wildfire event
Brief communication: The Lahaina Fire disaster - how models can be used to understand and predict wildfires
Mesoscale structures in the Orinoco basin during an extreme precipitation event in the tropical Andes
Enhancing air quality forecasts across the Contiguous United States (CONUS) during wildfires using analog-based post-processing methods
Characterization of water-soluble brown carbon chromophores from wildfire plumes in the western  USA using size-exclusion chromatography
Attribution of extreme events to climate change in the Australian region – A review
Assessing formic and acetic acid emissions and chemistry in western U.S. wildfire smoke: implications for atmospheric modeling
The multi-scale interactions of atmospheric phenomenon in mean and extreme precipitation
Growing convergence research: Coproducing climate projections to inform proactive decisions for managing simultaneous wildfire risk
Improved regional forecasting of an extreme Arctic cyclone in August 2016 with WRF MRI‐4DVAR
All-sky infrared radiance data assimilation of FY-4A AGRI with different physical parameterizations for the prediction of an extremely heavy rainfall event
Future regional increases in simultaneous large Western USA wildfires
