Search results

(81 - 100 of 160)


Meteorological and flux measurements from the NOAA WP3D aircraft in TOGA COARE [presentation]
Stratus cloud liquid water and turbulence profiles using a Kα-band Doppler radar and a microwave radiometer [presentation]
Three dedicated microphysics missions during CEPX: Observations and numerical simulations [presentation]
One approach to ensuring that data analysis projects and research reports are reproducible
Wind stress and wind wave observations in the presence of swell [presentation]
Development of a Python GUI interface to a YAML configuration file for propagation of largely identical database records between field project entries [presentation]
The data lifecycle flow: For me, this time
A MITgcm/DART ocean analysis and prediction system with application to the Gulf of Mexico [poster]
Publishing with Open Access and OpenSky [presentation]
Assimilating radar, surface and profiler data for the Sydney 2000 Forecast Demonstration Project [presentation]
The Genesis of Hurricane Sandy (2012) [presentation]
Leveraging someone else's knowledge based system [presentation]
Advanced semantic concepts and services in the Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory [poster]
Announcing the SHEBA bulk turbulent flux algorithm [poster]
VOC observations over the Southern Ocean during ORCAS
Diagnostic study of seasonal prediction of malaria: Case of Senegal, West Africa
Quality assessment of GPS RO bending angle data at the UCAR CDAAC [presentation]
Fostering sound scientific practices within NCAR's software engineering community [presentation]
Analysis and visualization of high-resolution WRF hurricane simulation using VAPOR [poster]
The genesis of Tropical Storm Matthew (2010) as observed during the PRE-Depression Investigation of Cloud systems in the Tropics
