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The role of water droplets in air-sea interaction: Rain and sea spray [abstract]
The role of water droplets in air-sea interaction: Rain and sea spray
The very stable boundary layer on nights with weak low-level jets
Sea spray and its effects on near-surface turbulence
Parameterizing turbulent exchange over sea ice in winter
Convection-permitting simulations of the environment supporting widespread turbulence within the upper-level outflow of a mesoscale convective system
An overview of sea spray aerosol production, scaling, and surface-layer interactions [abstract]
An overview of sea spray aerosol production, scaling, and surface-layer interactions
Influences of moist convection on a cold-season outbreak of clear-air turbulence (CAT)
Statistics and dynamics of aircraft encounters of turbulence over Greenland
Coherence and scale of vertical velocity in the convective boundary layer from a Doppler lidar
A multiresolution census algorithm for calculating vortex statistics in turbulent flows