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Sea-level rise
Sea level rise
Climate and Sea Level Change: Observations, Projections and Implications
Provocations #61: Sea level rises with the warmer Earth
US East Coast Sea Level Changes and Impacts
NCAR Global General Circulation Model of the Atmosphere, Sea Level Pressure
Sea Level Hotspots from Florida to Maine: Drivers, Impacts, and Adaptation
Predicting high-wind events impacting Barrow, Alaska through analysis of past regional sea-level pressure patterns
Interpretation of return levels under a changing climate
The daily cycle of low level winds over the island of Nauru in the equatorial western pacific
Low-Level Temperature Inversions Over Alaska's North Slope: Results from Radiosondes during 2018 Special Observing Periods
Correlation of deep convection and lightning data with enhanced level of NO and NO₂ in the Upper Troposphere
A six-level model of the atmosphere
Central Eurasian Water Crisis: Caspian, Aral and Dead Seas
SOARS Earth, Wind, Sea, and Sky: Protégé Abstracts 2019
The atmospheric response to realistic reduced summer Arctic sea ice anomalies
SOARS Earth, Wind, Sea, and Sky: Protégé Abstracts 2003
SOARS Earth, Wind, Sea, and Sky: Protégé Abstracts 2001
SOARS Earth, Wind, Sea, and Sky: Protégé Abstracts 2007
SOARS Earth, Wind, Sea, and Sky: Protégé Abstracts 2002
