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Investigation of convective instability in the Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Ice Model (CAOIM)
Quantifying Snow/Ice Albedo Feedback Strength in the Arctic using Reanalysis data
Comparing in situ flight observations and GOES-16 satellite-derived icing products during the In-Cloud ICing and Large-drop Experiment (ICICLE)
Exploring the capabilities of the CHM 15k ceilometer to detect icing conditions within clouds
The measurement of hydrogen peroxide in rain water
Light scattering by an atmospheric ice crystal
Statistical analysis for the improvement of icing forecasting.
Experiments on the generation of small water waves by wind
Correlating atmospheric water vapor and hurricane development
Selected bibliography on wind waves and air-water interaction
Ozone and water vapor: Analyzing their relationship within the mesosphere
How climate variability and change affect American Indian water resources and rights
Forecast Verification of the 2017 Flooding at Lake Oroville Using the National Water Model
Bringing water to the West: Microphysics and dynamics of orographic clouds influenced by atmospheric rivers
Influence of precipitable water vapor in and around tropical cyclones in the Caribbean: 2007-2010
The atmospheric tide: Detergents of the upper atmosphere -- just add water and stir vigorously
Exploring the role of super cold water within a severe hailstorm
Regional climate model projections for Northeast Kansas: Access to water on the Kickapoo Reservation
Water vapor estimates using simultaneous S and Ka Band radar measurements
Analyzing the accuracy of using surface data to estimate the water vapor content throughout the boundary layer
