Search results

(39,961 - 39,980 of 40,025)


High-resolution simulation results of kinematic and dynamic collision statistics of cloud droplets [abstract]
Analysis of droplet motion [abstract]
Sea spray and its effects on near-surface turbulence
Clouds and climate
Effect of turbulent enhancement of collision-coalescence on warm rain formation in maritime shallow convection [abstract]
QNSE theory of anisotropic turbulence and dispersive waves in stably stratified atmosphere and oceans
Effect of gravity on acceleration statistics of inertial particles in homogeneous isotropic turbulence
Hybrids FFTs on heterogeneous CPU/GPU computers [abstract]
Parallel implementation and scalability analysis of turbulent particle laden flow modeling
The behaviour of small inertial particles in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence [abstract]
Overview of HPC computer architecture: A long march toward exa-scale computing and beyond [abstract]
Finding the favorite regions for droplets to collide in a turbulent flow: Lab data and DNS
Mixing and entrainment at stratocumulus top [abstract]
An overview of sea spray aerosol production, scaling, and surface-layer interactions [abstract]
Mixing and entrainment at stratocumulus top
Inertial particle acceleration and relative velocity in HI turbulence
Cloud microphysical effects of turbulent mixing and entrainment
High-resolution simulation results of kinematic and dynamic collision statistics of cloud droplets
Turbulence structure in a fractal forest under varying atmospheric conditions
Analysis of case studies to characterize wave-like motions in the stable boundary layer
