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Photograph, balloon in Christchurch, New Zealand hangar
Superpressure Balloon Flights From Christchurch, New Zealand August 1967 - June 1968
Photograph, early Mother Ghost test flights in Christchurch, New Zealand
Strength Characteristics of Grace Cryovac YH Polypropylene Film
Press Release, GHOST year-long flight
NCAR balloon flies for more than two years
Ballooning Support for Cosmic-Ray Experiments: Joint United States - India International Quiet Sun Year Equatorial Expedition 6 March - 9 April 1965
GHOST balloon completes one-year flight
GHOST Balloon Data Volume XI: Balloon 86C
GHOST Balloon Data Volume II: Balloon 28x
Material Strength Properties of Visqueen X-124 Film
GHOST Balloon Data Volume X: Balloon 79R
Material Strength Properties of Winzen StratoFilm
Project Clambake Surface Wind Analysis at Palestine, Texas
Wind Tunnel and Field Investigations of Shapes for Balloon Shelters
NCAR scientists monitor summer storms with mobile weather station
NCAR engineers to set up weather station for TOGA in South Pacific
Photograph, Salt Flats, assembly of launch wagon and balloon launch
Photograph, Salt Flats, assembly of launch wagon and balloon launch
Photograph, Salt Flats, assembly of launch wagon and balloon launch
