NSF NCAR and UCAR Image Gallery

Photos and illustrations of weather, water, climate, and solar phenomena, scientists and engineers at work, research instruments and aircraft, field projects, landscapes, educational settings, supercomputers, NSF NCAR and UCAR facilities, and more.

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Mammatus Cloud Formation
Sunrise in the Bahama Islands (DI02638), Photo by Carlye Calvin
Cumulus Cloud against a bright blue sky, (DI02670) Photograph by Carlye Calvin
Contrail with iridescence (DI02384)
Dramatic November sunset (DI02546) Photo by Carlye Calvin
Dramatic November sunset (DI02547) Photo by Carlye Calvin
Lenticular clouds (DI02538)
Barker reservoir with low-lying stratus cloud (DI02535) Photo by Carlye Calvin
Cumulus cloud (DI02388)
Cumulus cloud (DI02387)
Cloud mystery (DI02311)
Cloud mystery (DI02309)
Cloud mystery (DI02312)
Cloud mystery (DI02310)
Cloud mystery (DI02313)
Contrail with iridescence (DI02383)
Mountain wave cloud (DI02393)
Birth of a tornado? (DI02184) Photo by Roger Wakimoto
Clouds below Mauna Loa (DI02175)
Clouds below Mauna Loa (DI02174)
