Search results

(61 - 80 of 98)


A Description of Software for Determination of Normal Modes of the NCAR Community Climate Model
CCM Modular Processor Users' Guide (Version PROCO1)
Introduction to the CCM Modular Processor (Version PROCO1)
Circulation Statistics From January and July Simulation With the NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM0B)
Studies in Climate
User's Guide for the NCAR CCM Modular Processor
User's Guide to NCAR CCM0B
Description of NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM0B)
Boundary Subroutine for the NCAR Global Climate Model
Air pollution solution? Computer model may help
Development and Use of the NCAR GCM, a Report of the GCM Steering Committee
NCAR Publication Prize Lecture: Surprises from Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Planetary Boundary Layer
ACM Film
Summarization and exploration as paradigms for visualizing large DNS results
Map-based advection, low-dimensional simulation, and superparameterization [abstract]
Summarization and exploration as paradigms for visualizing large DNS results [abstract]
Rendering salient regions and interaction maps using GPU [abstract]
Toward faster and more accurate computation of hydrodynamic droplet-droplet interactions [abstract]
Rendering salient regions and interaction maps using GPU
A novel approach for simulating droplet microphysics in entraining clouds
