Journal Articles

Peer-reviewed journal articles (full text when possible) and published conference proceedings.

Search results

(19,621 - 19,640 of 24,584)


Solar tides in the equatorial upper thermosphere: A comparison between AE-E data and the TIGCM for solstice, solar minimum conditions
Semi-prognostic tests of cumulus parameterization schemes in the middle latitudes
Recent measurements of oxidized nitrogen-compounds in the troposphere
Intercomparison of tunable diode laser and gas filter correlation measurements of ambient carbon monoxide
Momentum generation and redistribution in a TAMEX convective band
Street canyon dispersion: Sensitivity to block shape and entrainment
The heat budget of the TOGA-COARE domain in an ocean model
Quasi-geostrophic wave-CISK in an unbounded baroclinic shear
Comments on "Physics of supercooling of thin waterskins covering gyrating hailstones"
The response of a general circulation model to cloud longwave radiative forcing. II. Further-studies
Numerical simulation of a prefrontal squall line during TAMEX IOP 8
Comments on "Physics of supercooling of thin water skins covering gyrating hailstones"
Transport asymmetry in skewed turbulence
Coupled quasi-linear wave damping and stochastic acceleration of pickup ions in the solar wind
Modeled time-dependent flow in the Agulhas retroflection region as deduced from altimeter data assimilation
On the formation of a southwest vortex
Observations of disconnection of open coronal magnetic structures
Societal impacts of El Nino and variability in the northeast Pacific salmon fishery
The evolution and fine-scale structure of a microburst-producing cell
Global warming insurance
