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(1 - 15 of 15)
Searing heat waves detailed in study of future climate
Southwest dries as wet weather systems become more rare
McCarthy appointed as director of Walter Orr Roberts Institute
NCAR research update: scientist develops technique for integrating satellite data with 3-D chemistry-climate prediction models
NCAR announces arrival of new supercomputer dedicated to evaluating the reliability of current global climate simulation models
NCAR scientists develop scheme for parameterizing cirrus clouds
NCAR gives scientific briefing to British Prime Minister Thatcher
NCAR scientist speculates that people can increase rainfall over semiarid regions by planting crops in particular patterns
NCAR develops method of translating satellite cloud data for climate forecasts
NCAR scientist describes remote-sensing plan for future of global environment
NCAR conducts research on the cutting edge of science
1974 UCAR Forum: The Atmospheric Implications of Energy Alternatives
NCAR Prize Lecture: Zonal Winds and Meridional Circulations as Part of Global Climate
1969 Annual Report NCAR Research and Facilities Programs
Introduction to the NCAR Weather and Climate Impact Assessment Science (WCIAS) Initiative